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Bucket Conveyors
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1090 Bucket Elevator
Doyle Manufacturing builds three types of Bucket Elevator: 1090 – 90 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) 2012 – 120 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) 2415 – 200 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) Standard Features: #304 stainless steel construction 20 ft. thru 70 ft. discharge heights available 90 ton per hour capacity (based on 60 lb. per cu. ft. material) 12″ #304 stainless steel turnkleen idler and rubber covered drive drum #304 stainless steel take-up bolts and hardware #304 stainless steel clean out and inspection doors in boot section #304 stainless steel inspection door in head section #304 stainless steel service door / clean out in first trunk section 11″ wide PVC belt 10″ x 6″ polyethylene buckets on 7″ centers Stainless steel bucket hardware Jackshaft drive, includes V-belt, sheaves, bushings, sprockets, chain, and TEFC motor 28″ wide x 25″ deep x 40″ high intake hopper Optional Features: Ladders, cages, and platforms Spouting and spouting accessories available (1090 head discharge is 12″ square) Second intake hopper Intake hopper cover Payloader inload hopper, 4 ft. wide x 8 ft. long Fertilizer conditioner in above payloader hopper Gearbox drive #304 stainless steel digger buckets

2012 Bucket Elevator
Doyle Manufacturing builds three types of Bucket Elevator: 1090 – 90 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) 2012 – 120 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) 2415 – 200 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) Standard Features: #304 stainless steel construction 15 ft. thru 90 ft. discharge heights available 120 ton per hour capacity (based on 60 lb. per cu. ft. material) 12 ga.#304 stainless steel head and boot sections, with 7 ga. #304 angle supports 14 ga. #304 stainless steel trunking sections #304 stainless steel clean out in both sides of boot section #304 stainless steel bolt on service door / clean out in first trunk section 20″ diameter vulcanized rubber, herringbone pattern, head roller 20″ diameter turnkleen style boot idler roller #304 stainless steel take-up assemblies #304 stainless steel assembly hardware 11″ wide rubber belt 10″ x 6″ polyethylene buckets on 8″ centers Stainless steel bucket hardware Shaft mount drive, includes V-belt, sheaves, bushings, and TEFC motor 24″ wide x 24″ deep x 56″ high intake hopper Optional Features: Ladders, cages, and platforms Spouting and spouting accessories available (2012 head discharge is 12″ square) Second intake hopper Intake hopper cover Payloader inload hopper, 4 ft. wide x 8 ft. long Fertilizer conditioner in above payloader hopper Distributor platform, large or small

2415 Bucket Elevator
Doyle Manufacturing builds three types of Bucket Elevator: 1090 – 90 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) 2012 – 120 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) 2415 – 200 tons per hour (based on 60 lbs per cu ft material) Standard Features: #304 stainless steel construction 15 ft. thru 90 ft. discharge heights available 200 ton per hour capacity (based on 60 lb. per cu. ft. material) 12 ga.#304 stainless steel head and boot sections, with 7 ga. #304 angle supports 14 ga. #304 stainless steel trunking sections #304 stainless steel clean out in both sides of boot section #304 stainless steel bolt on service door / clean out in first trunk section 24″ diameter vulcanized rubber, herringbone pattern, head roller 24″ diameter turnkleen style boot idler roller #304 stainless steel take-up assemblies #304 stainless steel assembly hardware 14″ wide rubber belt 13″ x 6″ polyethylene buckets on 8″ centers Stainless steel bucket hardware Shaft mount drive, includes V-belt, sheaves, bushings, and TEFC motor 24″ wide x 24″ deep x 56″ high intake hopper Factory assembled & tested Optional Features: Ladders, cages, and platforms Spouting and spouting accessories available (2415 head discharge is 14″ square) Second intake hopper Intake hopper cover Payloader inload hopper, 4 ft. wide x 8 ft. long Fertilizer conditioner in above payloader hopper Distributor platform, large or small
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