LELY, SMITHCO - Aerators
2 items

The Tri-fecta name ties to the three functions of the new model - Flexible Rolling, Deep Vertical Cutting and SoilAeration. The number of tines has doubled to provide 1” spacing and the PlanetAir Tri-fecta has been developed into atournament quality roller. So you canaerate and roll or lock the rotor and justroll with your new Tri-fecta.

Aer-8 Linear Aeration System
Aer-8 units are available in 60″ and 78″ widths, either pull-type or 3-point hitch mounted frame styles. The pull-type kit can be outfitted with hydraulic lines directly to the tow vehicle or with an electric/hydraulic power pack. The power pack includes a remote control to the driver’s seat and a battery-charging cable to maintain charge in the battery through repeated use. An additional benefit is water conservation. Voids in the soil capture rain or irrigation for maximum moisture utilization and run-off prevention. Hillsides and fairway mounds are lush and green again. Wet spots are opened and evaporation rates increased to bring the soil moisture back into balance and the area back into full utilization.
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